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Don’t get me sick!

I’m sure we are all thinking about this as we hear all the stories on the Coronavirus. It is a scary time and we are all a little bit nervous about the future. I travel to work each day on the train so I’m feeling a bit concerned but also trying to stay calm.

Here are some best practices we can do at this time:

  1. If you are feeling sick with a runny nose or cough, it is best for you to work from home. It’s better to be careful and not make others sick around you. We all need to help each other in this unfortunate situation.

  2. Be prepared to work from home on a moment’s notice. Is your laptop working? Check to make sure you can log into your workspace and get a phone that is in working order that you can use for meetings. Cell phones aren’t always the best for client meetings.

  3. If you are concerned that you could have the virus, you should check with your doctor right away to see how you can be tested. I have been reviewing the news carefully and we have seen more cases in the last week in the US.

  4. If you are scheduled to travel, check with your company’s HR or Business Resiliency team to see if the trip can be postponed. If you don’t have to travel, it’s best not to do now. If you do need to travel, check the location to see the number of cases reported there first.

Take precautions now to ensure you and those around you are safe. And don’t forget to wash your hands !!

Here’s to your success and your health!

Check out the CDC website for more information: https://www.cdc.gov/media/index.html