Steps for managing stress and anxiety in the workplace
Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash
Mental Health Awareness has become even more important especially given the year we just had. Dealing with stress and anxiety and balancing it while working can be a challenge. I thought it would be helpful to share some tips on how I have overcome challenges with stress and anxiety in the workplace. Simple steps you take today, can help you manage how you deal with these issues in the workplace and your personal life.
As more awareness to mental health issues are being raised, more companies are providing support to employees. One in particular tool that is used in corporations for employees is meQuilibrium. This app allows employees to manage their stress levels and has activities that people can do to relieve stress. If you haven’t heard about it, you can learn more about it at this link - .
Here are some steps I have taken that may help you too if you are feeling stress or anxiety at work:
Meditate - I used to find this not very useful, but then I let myself try it over time and it does actually work. This is so helpful when you’re feeling stressed. You can just pause what you are doing and refocus your mindset. I use the Positive Intelligence app by Shirzad Chamine. This is a mental fitness app which gives you a gym of meditations to choose from each day and a daily focus. Learn more about the Positive Intelligence app and training here - .
Take a walk-If you are feeling emotional, don’t stay at your desk. Get up and take a walk. It helps you get your mind off of the issue you are dealing with at the moment. You may even find that you will come up with resolutions because you are freeing your mind of worry or stress.
Listen to music-Music really helps to take your mind off your troubles. You can sing or dance to make yourself happier. When I am anxious before a big meeting or presentation, I listen to a song that is powerful like Lady Gaga’s “Stupid Love”. If you sing or dance it out, it can really help relieve your nervous energy. Try it - I guarantee it works!
Loose yourself in creativity - This isn’t always easy to do in the workplace, but if you can, take some time out of your work day to be creative. Maybe it is working on a presentation or finding a craft to do like painting, ceramics, pottery, etc. Even if you do something like this for 30 minutes it can help relieve stress. Add time to your schedule for yourself.
Doing these things doesn’t mean you will never feel stress or anxiety again, but these are steps you can do to relieve it so you don’t stay in that mindset for too long. If doing these things doesn’t help you, it may be time to look into your organization’s Employee Assistance Program. I have used this program in the past when I was facing anxiety in the workplace. This is a program that can help you through your problems anonymously. Some programs give you a certain amount of free counseling sessions and then you can continue afterwards if you choose to do so. It is helpful to be able to talk through issues with a 3rd party who knows nothing about you.
It is time for all of us to be more aware of the impact of mental health issues on our society. I hear more and more young people who are affected by this. If you are someone who is feeling this way, please reach out to a mental health professional so they can help.
Make sure you spend time on your mental fitness not just physical fitness. Doing so will help in all aspects of your life. Mental fitness helps you go through life enjoying what you are doing rather than spending the time stressing.
Here’s to your success!
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number is 800-273-8255. It is available 24 hours.