What is Executive Presence anyway?
Photo by Christine @wocintechchat
Have you ever been told that you don’t have executive presence? Managers love to tell their employees this as a reason to tell you that you are not getting promoted. Many women are told this on a regular basis.
I don’t agree with having executive presence as a reason someone isn’t a leader. Here’s why -
Everyone is unique - everyone has a different personality and should be authentic. To tell someone they need to have executive presence is telling them they need to behave like others. Why do we want the same types of people running the organization? When different people get together, that’s when innovation starts.
Inclusion - while organizations talk about being inclusive, they don’t always practice it. Many large organizations have a “popular” group and they don’t let outsiders in. If you don’t act or dress the same way everyone in the group does, you’re told you don’t have executive presence. Think about that. That’s isn’t being inclusive.
Unconscious bias - in my research on what executive presence is and isn’t, I uncovered the role it plays in unconscious bias. Most women are impacted by this, but there has also been research done that shows that people who are raised in lower or middle income families are also impacted by this.
There are so many talented individuals who are being overlooked simply because they are being perceived as not being a leader. This behavior can’t simply be taught in one training. It has to start with a plan that is created at the individual level.
I recommend that managers stop telling employees about executive presence and start coaching your employees on what they need to do to get ahead. Real examples of areas that need to be developed is a start. Giving employees exposure helps. Throw them into meeting with senior managers over and over again. This will give them on the job training on what it takes to be in those meetings.
If you don’t give people a chance because of perception, you are missing opportunities to keep talented people in your organizations. Remember good leaders help others be successful. Start today and you will start to see real change.
Here’s to your success!