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Change is the only constant…

Change is happening in every industry right now. Digitization has become a big priority for organizations to become more efficient. Organizations need to be more agile and grow as quickly or faster than competitors.

I have worked in the asset management industry for over 20 years and have not seen the change be as fast as it has been in the last few years. The phrase I hear a lot is “change is the only constant “.

But how do employees deal with change? It can be difficult when you feel as though the rug has been pulled out from under you and you now have to do things differently in order to succeed.

Here are some ideas that may help you be successful in this changing environment:

  • Accept Change - it’s hard sometimes to accept what you may not agree with, but if you do not you may be left behind.

  • Be a part of the change - don’t accept the status quo. You should think about how you can add value by using your voice to suggest ideas for change. How can your team be more efficient but still add value to the firm and most importantly the clients?

  • Change your mindset-I have learned a lot about having a growth mindset vs a fixed mindset. You have to keep learning and never stop if you want to keep up with the pace of change. Think of the change as exciting as you are exploring new territories that can take your team and your firm to places you have never been.

I used to think a change was bad and I longed for the past, but now I look at change as an adventure. There are so many exciting things happening right now from Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, and self-driving cars.

While you may be concerned that digitization may take our jobs away, start thinking about the new opportunities that will come about from the change!

Here’s to your success!