Do titles matter? It’s really up to you…
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
When I started out many years ago in my career, I really thought titles mattered and I did everything in my power to get promoted. It wasn’t healthy and it certainly didn’t make me happy. When I left one of the first organizations that I had worked at for many years, I began to realize that titles didn’t really matter.
I went to a company who only had functional titles. I found that seemed to work better because everyone in the company was recognized for the value that they brought to the organization. It also reduced the need to feel like you had to get promoted in order to get recognized for the work that you did.
In some organizations, I have found that people only want to deal with others that have a higher title. This is beyond troubling. If you are dealing with someone like this in your organization, you should escalate this matter. No one should only deal with someone because of their title. Many times the people with the most knowledge on an issue are the ones who are doing the work day to day.
The other issues that employees face is that organizations are promoting fewer and fewer people each year. This makes it very difficult for people who deserve to be recognized for their achievements. It also makes it very difficult for managers to be able to promote their employees and ultimately to keep talent.
If you are in a position today where you a really trying to get promoted and it’s not happening for you, here are some ways to get beyond feeling you need to get promoted in order to succeed.
Act the part - I’m sure you have all heard the saying, “Act as the leader you want to be”; well it is very true. If you can show up everyday, add value and do the best you can do, then you will be successful. You may not be promoted, but you should be happy with the work that you are doing and you can be recognized in other ways. The other important part of this is if you don’t act the part, you will find it harder to get promoted.
Innovate - Innovation is so important in organizations today. Every company is working to create more efficiencies across their organization. Focus on what you can do to be creative and innovative to change the way your organization does business. Is there a process that needs to be changed? Speak up and work with your team to make it happen.
Behavior matters - Don’t let your not being promoted impact your attitude with the people you work with. No one wants to work with someone who has a bad attitude. We all may have a few bad behaviors that we display at times. Take a step back and think about how you can change that behavior so that you can be better partners with your teammates.
Help others be successful - I always come back to this, but I really do think this matters. I have seen so often when people don’t give their team members a chance to shine and they take credit for the work of others. If you allow others to take the lead, you can help them grow in their career. This is how you develop talent in your organization. It will also make you feel happier when you help others.
I have found that I wasted precious time being unhappy during my career. Life is too short being unhappy. If you can try to focus on yourself and your development, it may help you from comparing yourself to others.
It really is up to you whether you think a title is really that important to you. Certainly, if you are not getting paid what you think you are worth that is a different story. You have to ask for what you want. If your employer can’t give that to you, then it may be time to look for another job.
Don’t let the title stop you from doing the best job you can do. Remember, if you act the part, that is the first step in becoming a leader.
Here’s to your success!