Don’t let your silence be deafening…
Photo by Arthur Edelman on Unsplash
These last few weeks have been a big lesson for a lot of us. Although I always have been against racism, I never spoke up to those who are racist. I know now I was wrong. I should have spoken out and let my voice be heard in support of all people of color.
I will never know the fear that black parents have because their sons or daughters may be stopped because of the color of their faces. I will never know the pain that people of color have to endure every day when they are called names just walking down the street or maybe passed up for a job because of the color of their skin.
I want to help turn the tides on racism. It should not have lasted as long as it has and people all over the world have the chance to make a change because Black Lives Matter!!
What can we do to support change and keep this momentum going?
Reach out to your black friends and colleagues to let them know you are here for them. They are hurting and they do want to hear from us. I always felt awkward to say anything because I never wanted to offend anyone, but I know now I was wrong.
Educate yourself on black history and their culture. It was recommended to me to read the book, White Fragility, by Robin DiAngelo. I started reading this today.
Keep the dialogue going even after the protests have ended. We need to keep the momentum going.
Speak out against racism. Don’t be silent when you hear others speak or behave badly against people of color.
This is the time for a change. I see it and feel the change happening around me. I see it in our young people who are walking hand and hand with each other. I see the diversity in the protests happening across the country.
We need to keep this going. We need to educate those that still don’t understand. We need to do it for George and Brionna and Ahmaud and the many others before them. Lives lost long before they should be.
I encourage all of you to think about what you can do better today to support all people of color. It’s not too late to change and educate yourself.
Here’s to change and a better world for all of us!