Following My Passion Reshaped My Future….

Well, another year is almost over, and as I reflect on what I’ve accomplished, I feel so proud. I never imagined being in this place, and it feels incredible.

As some of you may know, I began my first semester in NYU’s master’s program for Executive Coaching and Organizational Consulting (ECOC). It has been such a fulfilling experience. For the first time, I’m genuinely loving every class. I’ve found my passion, and it feels amazing—oh, and yes, at the ripe young age of 60!

But guess what? I don’t feel 60. I feel like I’m 30 or 40! Does age really matter, though? No! I have so many dreams, and there’s still plenty of time to make them a reality. So, I’m diving in because life’s too short not to.

Life has transformed so much for me in a short time since starting grad school in September. I’ve learned a great deal, not just about coaching but also about organizational consulting. This year, I also had the privilege of participating in the FastForward Group coaching program. Through it, I learned how to create a bold vision and develop a step-by-step plan to achieve my goals.

Combining the insights I’ve gained from grad school and the FastForward Program, I’ve decided to evolve my business model. My focus will now be on coaching and consulting—helping companies navigate change and coaching their teams to build resilience in the face of change so they can thrive. I’ll be launching this new business in February, so stay tuned for exciting updates!

As the year comes to a close, I encourage you to reflect on your own journey. What have you achieved this year? What went well, and what would you like to improve next year? Can you create a bold vision to help make your dreams a reality? I’d love to hear your bold visions—feel free to share them in the comments below.

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year. May all your dreams come true.

Here’s to your success!


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