Practicing diversity, equity and inclusion daily will help change our culture
Photo by Christina @wocintechchat
As I’m on my way to work this morning, I’m thinking about how far we have come in the last 3 years since the murder of George Floyd. It is unfortunate that it took this horrible murder to happen for us to realize that we needed to be more diverse and inclusive in the workplace.
Sure corporations always had diversity statistics and diversity training, but they weren’t always practicing on a day to day basis what they were teaching. Now more and more companies are talking more about diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I).
While we have come a long way, we still have a way to go. We can talk about what we are doing to change, but we really need to change the way we behave in the workplace. While some people believe that you need to play politics to be successful, that isn’t being inclusive to others. We need the stop playing politics and start treating people fairly.
We need to build up our diverse talent. If they aren’t confident enough, then start coaching them. Are they too quiet? Why is that a problem if they are highly proficient in what they are doing day to day.
Do they dress differently? As long as it is professional, this shouldn’t be an issue. Adam Grant, Wharton psychologist states “Actions matter more than appearances”.
Let’s start building training and coaching programs to build our talent and help them be successful. Give them the exposure to the right people to get them the recognition they deserve. Each time you put your employee in a difficult room, they get to practice how to present and perfect their skills. If you don’t give them enough chances to practice, they won’t be able to get better.
When more and more companies start holding people accountable for practicing DE&I daily, our culture will begin to change. It is on each and everyone of us to impact change.
Here’s to your success!