I finally met my goal and you can meet yours too! Here’s how…
Photo by Jonas Jacobsson - https://unsplash.com/@jonasjacobsson
Well after 3 years I am finally getting ready to publish my first book. I am beyond excited as I never thought I would get here but I did and you can too.
It has been a dream of mine for many years to write a non-fiction self-help book. I started writing in 2020 after I received my coaching certification. It was basically a start and stop and start again for the last 3 years.
Finally, after taking a leadership certification program at Wharton, it crystallized for me that I wanted to meet my goal of finishing the book. I realized that this is what I truly want to do is to be an author and write books that can help others through challenges that I have experienced.
In my Wharton program, we had an activity to put together a Time Person of the Year article about ourselves that takes place 5 years from now. I wrote that I had just written a book and it was on the New York Times Bestseller’s list. After writing that essay, I realized that I had already started writing my book and I needed to finish it.
This really pushed me to get it finished and now I am having it edited. I’m thrilled about this next step in my life and I want others to realize that you can do those things that you have always dreamt of, but you keep putting off. Here are some things that I have learned from my experience:
Create SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely) Goals - By putting SMART Goals together and monitoring their progress, you will start to make things happen. I put together a list of goals in order to get the book completed including the number of words, the topics I wanted to cover in the book and what I needed to do to get the book published. By putting together target dates to get the book completed, it helped guide me towards finishing it.
Set aside time to work on your project. If you schedule time to work on your project and stick to it, you will be able to. make progress. Put the time in your calendar and put reminders on it.
Manifest - You may have heard of the “law of attraction” - If you believe you can, you can. I know most people don’t believe this and I used to be a nonbeliever too, but when I start to visualize what I want, I can see it and I can feel it. I can see my book, the cover, everything. It is going to happen!
Just do it! Stop procrastinating! It’s really not worth it. Just talk to yourself that if you take a few small steps each day, you will meet your goals.
Once you take the first step, you will realize how good it feels. You can make your dreams come true if you do the work to get it done. Stop making excuses and make it happen!
Here’s to your success!