Age, really is just a number! Here’s why…
Did you see Mick Jagger at 80 years old singing and shaking his booty to the cheers of many? I can’t believe it, but it happened.
Age has really been on mind lately as I will be turning 60 in a few months. Just writing those words seems surreal. I still feel like a kid at times but I definitely don’t feel 60. I do get reminded of my age when I look in the mirror or see pictures of myself.
As most of you know, I still work full time while also providing career coaching on the side. I have recently been accepted at NYUs Master Program for Executive Coaching and Organizational Consulting. This means I will start my first semester at 60 years old!
While I’m a little blown away by that fact, I also feel great and excited about this opportunity. I will be 64 when I graduate. This means I will still have many years to expand my business and coaching career.
So why am I telling you all this? I want you to realize that just because you are getting older, it doesn’t mean you have to stop living your dream. I’m excited for my future and you should be excited for yours too!
I remember when my father retired in his 60s. He seemed old (older than I feel now!). My father was bored. He played golf, but that was probably his only hobby.
If you are getting to the point where you are thinking about retirement, I highly recommend finding something that keeps you going. It may be taking care of your grandkids or other members of your family and that’s ok. Do something that makes you happy and keeps you living!
There is so much people can do now as they get older. It’s wonderful to see that and it gives me so much hope for the future. Instead of thinking of the end of my life, I’m thinking of the next phase in my life!
Here’s to your success!
P.S. This is dedicated to all my friends who have turned 60 or will be 60 this year!