What is it with strong women? Some people can’t seem to handle them…
Photo courtesy of Marca
This week one of my favorite actresses, Shannen Doherty passed away at age 53 after a long battle with cancer. Shannen started as a child actress and was strong as child, during the height of her career and during her last years battling cancer. Shannen was a fighter and a survivor!
One of the things I loved about Shannen is that she didn’t care about the people that didn’t like her. She loved who she was and she loved her life so much that she did everything to keep herself alive. I admire her tenacity and bravery as she went through such an enormous challenge.
In the 90s, when Shannen was at the height of her career, I was in my late 20s watching Beverly Hills 90210. I thought Shannen was one of the best actresses in the show and she had a lot to do with the show’s success.
As Shannen’s star began to shine, she was labelled “difficult” and a “bitch” by the press. Unfortunately, things got so bad for Shannen that there was even an “I Hate Brenda” club created. Shannen has admitted that she did cause some of this, but I don’t believe she deserved all the hate she got at the time.
If you compare Shannen’s experience to that of famous men who were bad boys such as Brad Pitt, Rob Lowe, Charlie Sheen; Shannen’s career took a turn for the worse because of the label she was given while their careers continued to flourish. Even today, women still face this across many industries.
There are so many examples of powerful women who have been given the label of “difficult” because they are strong and speak their mind. Serena Williams has faced criticism and been called difficult for her on-court assertiveness and advocacy for gender and racial equality in sports. Beyonce has faced criticism for being a perfectionist and in control of her career. Even Martha Stewart who has enjoyed a long and successful career has faced public scrutiny that has impacted her career(remember her jail stint!).
These are just a few examples, but it continues to happen in the workplace today. When women are assertive, they get a bad name. If men are assertive, it’s the norm and they actually become more successful for it. So what can women do about it? We have to keep being strong and not let people’s perception of us take away our power.
If you are a facing these perceptions in your career, here are a few strategies to help you navigate through:
Know Your Value: Be confident in your skills and contributions. Keep a record of your achievements and the value you bring to the team.
Find Allies: Build a network of supportive colleagues who can advocate for you and help amplify your voice.
Stay Calm: Maintain composure in challenging situations. Emotional intelligence can help you navigate conflicts more effectively.
Reframe Perceptions: Work on changing the narrative by demonstrating the positive outcomes of your assertiveness and decision-making.
Women are still fighting to become equal to men. We have come such a long way, but we are still not there. We need to continue to be strong and use our voice to advocate for all women. If you are a successful woman, use your power to help other women be successful. Women need to work together not against each other.
Here’s to your success!