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Are you micromanaged?

Have you ever had a boss who controls everything you do at work? They tell you what to do and then keep following up at every turn?

I have experienced this many times in my career. It’s not easy and it can be very frustrating. I’m not sure why some managers feel the need to do this to their team. I believe it stems from the need to ensure their team is doing the right thing and that nothing slips through the cracks on their watch.

If you are going through this today, here are some practical tips you can take to survive:

  1. Have you spoken to your manager about this? I believe being direct can really help. If you tell your manager how you are feeling, they will potentially realize that their management style needs to change.

  2. Do you have a to-do list of all your tasks? I find when I do have a micromanager, it is really helpful to keep a “To Do” List with an update of each task. This will help you not be caught off guard if your manager asks you for a status. I do my list in “One Note” in Microsoft Outlook. It really helps me track tasks and I don’t have to write things over in a book. You can also email it to your manager on a weekly basis.

  3. Don’t let it get you down It used to bother me when my work was edited. Now I try not to let it get to me because I realize that sometimes managers like to see it differently. If you feel it becomes out of hand, I would let the manager know.

These are just a few tips to help you get through the situation. If you focus on what you love about your job, it will help take the focus away from the challenges you face.

I definitely suggest speaking to someone first because you don’t want to leave a job you love over your manager!

Here’s to your success!

