Can’t change your mindset? Try this…
Photo by Michelle Walcott on Unsplash
It’s not easy to change your mindset when something is bothering you. During the COVID 19 environment, many of us are experiencing sadness and anxiety. It not only impacts our personal lives but it can impact your work life as well.
This week I was really feeling down about work and life. I’m not sure why but things were starting to get to me. I couldn’t shake the feeling, but I needed too. I needed to work and get stuff done.
I tried many different things to change my mindset. Here are just a few things that I have tried in the past that have helped:
Read books - read a self-development book or a career advice book. Every time I have a situation in my life that I need answers or guidance to, I turned to books. Even after my mother passed and I was devastated, I turned to books to give me answers on how to cope.
Exercise - I will be the first to admit that I really don’t like to exercise. I have a Peloton bike that I do love but don’t use often enough as I should. I will say that when I do use, it really helps me change my mindset from sadness or stress to a feeling of power. You may not have an exercise bike or equipment, but you can always take a walk or a run.
Watch TV - I know everyone thinks watching TV is bad, but in small doses, it can help. When I am feeling down, I find a comedy show. It really helps. The other day when I was feeling down, I turned “Friends” on. It was great! I was laughing and it really helped turn my mindset around.
Learn - I love to take training online. I’m always thinking about new things I want to learn. I love LinkedIn’s Learning app. If your company doesn’t offer the training that you need, this app gives you another source. There are many other apps as well online and some are even free.
Life can be rough at times and right now it is rough for all of us. The key is not letting it get to us. Ok, it’s been 2 months of being quarantined. It has not been fun, but we need to remember areas of our life for which we can be grateful.
If you are not happy with your job, work on looking for another job. It may not happen overnight, but you have the time now to really think about what the right job is for you. Start planning and think about the companies and positions that would fit your skillset.
Your personal life may not be easy right now. If you are healthy, what are the ways you can help others that may not be. Maybe it’s picking up a meal for someone or making masks. Maybe it’s just being there for someone who needs you.
This will end soon. We are starting to see signs of that. Don’t give up on hope.
Today is a beautiful day and one I will cherish as a sign that change is in the air.
Here’s to your success! Make it a great day!