What if you take your ego out of it? Here’s what could happen…
This week I was reminded of how our ego can really harm our relationships at work as it can undermine how we collaborate with others. The way we think about ourselves and the way we work with others can really help or hurt how effective we can get the job done.
Have you tried to make others look bad so you look good? This happens a lot in the corporate world. There is no reason for it. If you are smart, knowledgeable, and work hard you will get ahead, but you shouldn’t get ahead at the expense of others.
What would happen if you take your ego out of it? Here are a few things to think about when your ego seems to get in the way -
Did someone just get that job you wanted? If you take your ego out of it and be happy for the other person, it won’t hurt as much. Yes, you really wanted that job, but maybe just maybe that other person was more qualified. There will be other jobs for you to focus on.
Are you partnering with someone at work on a big initiative? Does the other person send emails to senior managers making them think they are doing all the work? Yes, this can and does happen, but so what if they do. Do you quit because you feel you are not getting recognized? Not if you value the work you are doing and you know that you doing a great job. Take a step back and take your ego out of it - let the other person do their thing. It doesn’t have to stop you from doing your thing. Raise your voice and remind people of the work you are doing and the partnerships that you have with others.
Are you working with someone who is junior to you? This is a great time to think about taking your ego out of the work and focus on letting this person shine. How can you help this person become successful? Let them take the lead. It won’t hurt you to take a step back to give someone else a chance.
We all have egos, but some are just bigger than others. It is important to recognize when your ego may be getting in the way of your relationships.
Think about the ways you work with others. Are you giving the other person a chance or are you treating them as your personal assistant? I find when I work with others I try to partner with them because that is the best way to get the job done and get it done well. Fighting and squabbling with others are only going to cause delays in your projects.
Working with others can be difficult because people can tend to be really competitive. Being competitive is fine as long as you play fair. I learned from Simon Sinek, author of “The Infinite Games”, it is better to have a “worthy rival” than constantly working to win and being better than others. Being worthy rivals leads to innovation which only helps to take your company to the next level.
Can you try taking your ego out of the game and see how you feel? I bet you will feel a whole lot better after you try it just once. Just think about the ways we can work better if we partnered together rather than working against each other.
Here’s to your success!