Focus on the positive to get you through…
Photo by Sead Dedić on Unsplash
It’s been over a month since we all were told that COVID 19 had hit the US and we needed to wash our hands more than ever and stay home if we were sick. I started working from home on March 10 because I was terrified of getting my husband infected.
My husband, Gene, is a type 1 diabetic and is at high risk if he contracts this disease. I try everything I can do to ensure he doesn’t get exposed. Gene was sick with Pneumonia in February. We still don’t know if he could have had COVID 19 because testing was unheard of at that time. He has since recovered.
I have been experiencing a sore throat at night for the past few days. When I wake in the morning, I feel fine. I think it is all in my head., but I don’t know. This morning I woke up with a cough. I still have no fever but I feel I need to self-isolate.
I am now in my basement. My niece, who is a doctor (and a very good one!), recommended that I come out when I have no fever for 72 hours and no symptoms for 24 hours. This is our new normal.
As I sit here thinking how in the world can I stay here for 3 days, I also think I’m protecting lives by staying here. If doctors and nurses and other medical staff are risking their lives every day to save ours, I can sit on my couch for 3 days and watch TV.
I think about all of those who are getting up each day and are putting themselves directly in harm’s way. They have to either move out of their homes to protect their families and if they can’t do that, they have to self isolate in their homes. This is a rough way to go through life. This is a war with an invisible evil disease. This is our new normal.
This isn’t easy and it is very scary, but it is our new normal and we will survive. We will get through this. People before us survived wars, pandemics, and more. We have each other and we all need to stay strong together. Let’s have hope for better days to come and be grateful for all of those who are risking their lives for us while we sit on our couch.
If you are feeling challenged by this, it is understandable. I go through all the emotions of feeling scared, bored, angry and then I go back to keeping a positive mindset not just for me, but for those around me. I want to be strong for others. As I told my daughter, think of this as a long snowstorm and we can’t go out until it is over.
The one thing that will help us get through this time is to focus on the positive. Focus on our heroes, Don’t watch the news 24 hours a day. It will not help your mindset. Focus on taking care of yourself, helping others if you can, and doing activities that will help you take your mind off of this. Activities that can help include reading, playing games, video chats, crafts, baking, training courses online, and many others.
I am here if anyone is feeling challenged by this and needs to talk. Please feel free to email me. Don’t feel you are alone during this time. We have each other and we should lean on others to give us strength and hope for a better time when this is over.
Stay strong, stay safe, and stay well!