Preparing for that interview? Don’t let your nerves get the best of you! Here’s how….
Photo by @resumegenius
So you have that interview coming up and your nerves are getting the best of you? I get it and I have been there, it’s not easy especially if you are new to the interview process.
Maybe you just found out that you have to meet with the CEO of the company and you’re like why the CEO? Why does he want to meet with me? Well, there will be times especially in smaller companies where the CEO wants to meet with everyone and that’s a good thing.
Interviews can be daunting and yet can make or break your chances to get a really good opportunity. I have been watching my two Gen Z children go through this as they are recent college grads. I thought it would be good to put together my thoughts on what the best ways are to prepare for interviews in hopes that they may read this, too :).
The key to a good interview is preparing. Don’t go in cold to an interview, it does not work. Make sure you take the time to prep and you will walk into that interviewing feeling very confident.
Here are a few of my best practices for preparing for the interview::
Know your stuff - Do your research on the company and the people you will be interviewing with. Review the job description and understand the industry trends. Know your resume inside and out so that you are ready to discuss your experiences.
Practice Makes Perfect - Grab your mom or dad, friend or colleague and have them do a mock interview with you. The more you practice, the more comfortable you will feel during the actual interview.
Visualize Succes - Take a few minutes in your days leading up to the interview and visualize how well the interview will go. To do this - close your eys and see yourself walking into the interview, your dressed for success, the interviewer shakes your hand and your are off to a great start. Picture yourself answering questions confidently and connecting with the interviewer. This mental rehearsal can help reduce anxiety and boost your confidence.
Prepare for the unexpected - Interviews don’t always go as planned and you may get a question out of left field. When you get a question like this, pause for a few seconds. You may say to the interviewer, “that’s a good question”. This gives you time to gather your thoughts. You don’t have to know the answers to every question. It’s okay to say, ‘I have never come across that before.” Take a moment to think before you respond.
Dress for Success - You have to think about the type of position you are going for when you think about what you will wear. You want to dress for the role you want. I once heard from a colleague, “If you want to be superman, you have to dress the part”. The other thing to think about is dressing in a way that makes you feel good, confident and powerful.
With the right preparation and mindset, you can manage your nerves and turn them into positive energy. One thing I do before a presentation is go into a room (or bathroom); and let out your nervous energy. Just let out a scream and if you can’t scream, just pretend to scream without making a sound. This really helps release the nervous energy. Try it!
Remember, confidence comes from preparation, so invest the time to prepare well and trust in your abilities. You’ve got this!
Here’s to your success!