A year later..what have we learned?
Photo by Rifqi Ali Ridho on Unsplash
Well it’s been a year since it was declared we are in a pandemic. It has been a rough year for so many people. I thought I would reflect on how for some of us our lives will be changed forever. While a lot of not so good things happened, we learned to survive and some of us may have had some opportunities. What did you learn over the last year? Post your comments below.
Here are some things that I learned during this time that may help others reflect on their experience-
Never stop learning - this year I had so much down time that I didn’t know what to do with myself. I started doing online trainings for my personal life and my career. I have seen myself develop in my career and also I developed a new talent- water color painting. It’s been a great stress reliever! What are some new skills you would like to learn?
Build the career of your dreams - I started my second career as a career coach. While the pandemic didn’t allow for in person networking, I was able to learn how to navigate other ways of doing business through online and technology like Zoom! This was definitely a time to reflect on careers to determine if a change was needed. Some people were forced to change careers. We saw restaurants and other industries change business strategies in order to survive. How did your career change during this time?
Appreciate life - I learned that day to day life is so important. It is so important to be fully present in the moment. I learned to smell the flowers more, listen to the birds chirping and the bees buzzing. If you enjoy each day fully, it really makes you appreciate what you do have rather than what you don’t. What can you appreciate in your life now that can make you happier?
Live the life that you want - remember the Steve Job’s quote- "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice." This quote really says it all. You have to start the living the life that want to live. Stop listening to what others think you want. They can give you their opinion, but it’s your life to live. What is the one thing that you have always wanted to do but someone told you that you are not good enough?
I have really tried to look for the positives from this last year. I’m not always positive and I do get down. What I have learned is that’s ok to be down as long as you don’t stay there for too long. If you are not happy with your job, your relationship or other areas of your life, you can change it. You don’t have to stay stuck. You can take steps every day to turn your life around.
The pandemic has taught me that life is too short to stay somewhere that is making you unhappy. We have all heard this before, but I know I have always taken life for granted saying I will do that tomorrow. Now I’m saying I will do it today.
Start that one thing that you wanted to always do. Start today and you will experience more happiness in your life.
Here’s to your success!