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How can we find gratitude, happiness and hope for the future during this time?

Photo by Ann on Unsplash

This year has been something else most of us would never have imagined. It’s something out of a Sci-Fi movie. As I’m sitting here writing this, we are 9 months into the Pandemic with no clear end in sight.

It can be scary and daunting to think about the future. Thoughts of “what if I get sick” or “what if my love ones get sick”. I especially think about those at high risk and for all those who lost their life, businesses or jobs. While thinking about all that is happening around us, it can be difficult to find gratitude in all that we do have and hope for the future.

Here are some ways that can help you find gratitude, happiness and hope for the future even in times like we have today -

  • Reflect on you life - what has happened in your life that has brought you joy and happiness? Begin to build a list. Yes write it all down. When you reflect on all the good you have had in your life amidst the bad, you will start to feel the gratitude.

  • Find the gift - Even in times that didn’t go your way, what did you learn from that experience? Maybe you were laid off from your job. When you think back to that time, what opportunity did you receive from that experience? You may have found another job that is even better or maybe you started your own business. That bad experience pushed you to do something different that you may never have done.

  • Start making plans for your future - what can you do now that can bring more happiness and success for tomorrow? If you are not happy with your current job, start planning what your dream job looks like and how you will find it. Put together goals to help you get where you want to be. For example, by January, I will have my resume finalized so I can start sending out to recruiters.

  • Take Action - don’t wait until life changes, take action now to make the life you want. If you keep waiting for a better moment, that moment may not come. You are in control of your life so you can make the changes to make it a better one. Make that call, start that business, or take that job offer today.

These are just a few simple steps you can take now to find gratitude and happiness even when life seems hard. This will help you to not give up and have hope for the future.

It’s easy to be afraid especially with all the news we hear today. Stop listening to the news 24/7. It can tell a grim story at times to scare people. We will beat this and have a better life when this is over. We can think about all the things we learned from this and what changes we will make in the future.

Here’s to the future! Start taking action today to make it a better one!

Thanks to all who have helped us through this pandemic! We are safer because of you. Happy Thanksgiving!

