Yes, you do belong in the room!
Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash
Many women don’t use their voice often enough in the workplace and it can stall their career. I have learned over the years to push myself to speak up in meetings and use my voice wisely. I’m still finding my way to make sure my voice is heard, but also ensure that what I say matters.
I believe the reason some women don’t speak up in meetings is because they think they don’t belong in the room. I see this often with women and sometimes men in middle management. I know they have a lot to say, but don’t feel comfortable saying it in meetings.
Perception happens quickly. It can take someone 4 minutes to perceive you in a negative way. If you are sitting in the back or side of the room or maybe taking notes, people may perceive you in the wrong way and it can hurt your career.
Here are some key steps you can take to be more sure of yourself and feel that you do belong in that room:
Be prepared - Be sure to always prepare before meetings especially with senior managers. I find putting together talking points and practicing before a presentation always helps alleviate nerves.
Have Confidence - Don’t let your negative self talk get to you. Remember to be positive about yourself and remind yourself the value that your bring to the organization. Don’t forget to smile, this will keep you in a positive mood. Sit up straight so that you look confident.
Be open to learning - You don’t need to be the smartest person in the room. It’s ok to admit you don’t know something. Don’t let this fear of not knowing keep you from going to the room that scares you the most.
Define your passion - Do you know what you are most passionate about at work? If you don’t, take a minute to think about what drives you the most. This will help define your purpose statement. Think about what makes you feel strongly and how you can do things better for others. Once you do this, it will impact how you show up.
These are just a few steps you can take to turn around that feeling of not belonging. It can be difficult at times especially in larger corporations to feel like you don’t belong or fit in. Sometimes you may not fit in and that’s ok too. If you feel this way, it may be time to look for another job.
In my research on executive presence, I have uncovered the role it plays in unconscious bias. It impacts women the most, but can also impact others who may have been raised in different environments or cultures. If you are feel you are impacted by this, you should speak to someone in your organization. Many organizations are now focused on Diversity and Inclusion so this should be a part of changing perceptions.
If you do think you need help with how others perceive you, you should seek a mentor or sponsor in your organization. It helps to have someone outside of your immediate manager who can give you real feedback. They can also give you guidance on your progress.
The first step is recognizing how you are showing up. Once you do this, you can take steps towards improvement.
Here’s to your success!