Can you be yourself at work? Here’s how…
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash
I’m sure you’ve heard about having the imposter syndrome especially when you are in the workplace. This occurs when you feel like you have to be someone other than yourself to be successful. But you have to ask yourself, why do I want to be someone else and not myself.
Being authentic is the best way to be and will only make you feel better about yourself. Don’t let anyone try to tell you that you should be someone that you are not. Not even your manager in your performance review. Remember your manager is giving you their opinion and you do not have to agree with it.
Here are some ways you can ensure that you can be yourself, but also be professional-
How you behave or present yourself - Be yourself, but ensure that it is respectful of others. I hear a lot about executive presence, but what does that really mean. I see senior executives that do not have it. There is definitely a bias around this that needs further exploration. I would suggest if you are trying to get promoted, reach out to your colleagues or find a mentor who can help you on what areas you need to develop.
What to wear? - When I first started working, I was always wearing suits and tried to have the right trendy bags and shoes. I realize now that this should not be a reason for someone to be successful. Yes, you should dress appropriately, but you can also dress the way you like without spending a lot of money.
Make your voice heard - You may not agree with management’s way and that’s ok. Don’t be afraid to voice your opinion. Management isn’t always right so they need to hear the feedback. Even if they don’t listen, making your voice heard matters so that you are able to let them know how you feel.
Embrace your culture - Every culture is different and it’s ok to embrace your own. You don’t have to pretend that you came from a wealthy family to seem more important. Learn to feel comfortable about your upbringing. I grew up in a lower income family and I’m so proud of what I have been able to accomplish.
Everyone is unique and that’s what makes you special. Trying to be like others just makes you seem fake and I’m sure won’t make you happy. You can always develop skills that you don’t have, but your personality is yours and you shouldn’t have to change it.
It’s challenging in the workplace when you are trying to get ahead and your not sure why you may be stalled in a position. Don’t let this be the reason you change being who you are. This will only lead to stress and anxiety.
Once you embrace who you are, it will begin to show up to others. This is when you begin to have confidence in who you are even with all your imperfections and don’t worry everyone has them. When you begin to embrace yourself, you will bring about more happiness in your career which will lead to more success.
Here’s to your success!
P.S. - this is dedicated to my daughter, Jenna, who teaches me everyday about the importance of being yourself.