Rene’s Blog
Successful Leaders Rise with their Team
No one ever said being a leader is easy. If you want to be a successful leader, you need to listen to your team and work alongside of them to make the team great.
Handling rejection so it doesn’t handle you…
“Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being redirected to something better.” This quote is so true but rejection still hurts. It can really derail a person’s emotions and some people have a hard time recovering.
Do titles matter? It’s really up to you…
When I started out many years ago in my career, I really thought titles mattered and I did everything in my power to get promoted. It wasn’t healthy and it certainly didn’t make me happy. When I left one of the first organizations that I had worked at for many years, I began to realize that titles didn’t really matter.
Take your vacation - it just may be life changing…
I just took my vacation last week and it was one of the best I can remember. It was well needed time for me to recharge and think about my goals for the rest of the year. If you haven’t taken your vacation yet, I suggest you do so before the end of summer.
4 Simple Steps to a More Inclusive Work Environment
After reading numerous articles about Dr. Anthony Fauci, I have been very impressed with his work ethic. He was asked how is he handling the negative press about him. He said, “I just want to do my job. I’m really good at it. I want to contribute.”
Have you ever failed forward?
I know no one ever likes to fail because you may be seen as not successful or not smart. This is so far from the truth. I was part of a project this week that had a failed process and it was a real eye opener for me.