Rene’s Blog
Life is too short to not take chances…
This past week has been very sad for me as two people who were close to me passed away. It’s always difficult to deal with death and for these particular individuals it was too soon for them to die.
Death always leaves you thinking about your life. Life is so precious and I feel if you are not happy where you are, you need to do something about it. But it can be hard and scary at times to take chances by doing something that you’ve always wanted to do.
Are you getting recognized for the work you are doing?
Have you ever worked really hard on something and not received the recognition you felt you were entitled? Do you feel you keep getting overlooked by management?
Can you be successful without playing politics?
Do you ever feel like in order to get ahead in your career you need to play politics? I felt this many times in my career. I’m not one to play politics so I have looked at other ways to accomplish my goals.
Learn to listen to a different perspective even when you don’t agree…
It’s been a pretty interesting climate in this country lately with COVID19 and the Black Lives Matter protests. I have found myself on the opposite ends of arguments. It can be difficult to get along with others when you have a different perspective.
Don’t let your silence be deafening…
These last few weeks have been a big lesson for a lot of us. Although I always have been against racism, I never spoke up to those who are racist. I know now I was wrong. I should have spoken out and let my voice be heard in support of all people of color.
What can you do when perception hurts your career?
Have you ever been told that you are coming across as difficult in your interactions with colleagues in the workplace? One person can give damaging feedback about you and it can change people’s perception of you.