Rene’s Blog
Feeling isolated working from home? Here’s what you can do…
As we go into our 9th week of people working from home where possible, it is beginning to feel like normal, but it can also begin to feel very isolating. If you are someone who likes to talk and collaborate with others, you may feel you are missing out on those moments when you can turn to a colleague to ask a quick question or to brainstorm on an issue.
What if you take your ego out of it? Here’s what could happen…
This week I was reminded of how our ego can really harm our relationships at work as it can undermine how we collaborate with others. The way we think about ourselves and the way we work with others can really help or hurt how effective we can get the job done.
Can’t change your mindset? Try this…
It’s not easy to change your mindset when something is bothering you. During the COVID 19 environment, many of us are experiencing sadness and anxiety. It not only impacts our personal lives but it can impact your work life as well.
How do you know you are in the right job?
It’s hard to figure out sometimes whether you are in the right job and if your job is making you happy. I wrote a few months ago about whether your job was making you unhappy and things you can do to make you happier. Now, I want to focus on whether or not you think you are actually in the right position.
Afraid of losing your job? Don’t be…
It is a scary time right now and many people have either lost their job or their business. This is a very daunting situation because we have no control over it. I will challenge all of you to not be afraid of it.
Working from home works for most! Here’s why…
As we go into our 2nd month of working from home, most employees are adapting quite well to this new environment and some may even be enjoying it.