Rene’s Blog
What is it with strong women? Some people can’t seem to handle them…
This week one of my favorite actresses, Shannen Doherty passed away at age 53 after a long battle with cancer. Shannen started as a child actress and was strong as child, during the height of her career and during her last years battling cancer. Shannen was a fighter and a survivor!
Age, really is just a number! Here’s why…
Did you see Mick Jagger at 80 years old singing and shaking his booty to the cheers of many? I can’t believe it, but it happened.
Rise Above: A Journey Through Depression
In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, I thought I would share my mental health journey. There are so many people impacted by mental health, but there are tools and resources that everyone can use to make a difference in their life.
Amplifying your voice in the workplace is not easy, but can help change a culture. Here’s how…
I have heard many times in the workplace to use my voice. When I first started in the asset management industry over 30 ago, I was told that I was very quiet in meetings and didn’t speak up. This was good feedback for me to develop my speaking skills. I was always a shy kid and probably an introvert so it was hard for me to talk in meetings and in the workplace overall.
A Journey Through Legacy and Leadership. What do we learn from it?
I have written recently about the importance of leaving a legacy. Unfortunately I have seen this happen. A great a leader in our organization passed away suddenly.
Taylor is a “Fearless” leader. Here’s why…
Yes I know you are probably tired of hearing about Taylor Swift, but I have to tell you I am obsessed. Not only are her songs amazing, but she is a role model and a fearless leader!